FMX UST is a fully electronic US government securities (“USTs”) trading venue owned and operated by BGC Financial, L.P. (“BGC”), a FINRA registered broker- dealer, and counterparty to all transactions. FMX UST operates an electronic marketplace: a Central Limit Order Book (“CLOB”). Subscribers to the platform are expected to be banks, broker-dealers, professional trading firms (“PTFs”) and institutional investors.

The CLOB competes with well-entrenched incumbents in a marketplace designed for low-latency hedgers and arbitrageurs.
We designed FMX UST to be one of the fastest, most stable, and most reliable ultra-low latency matching engines in the cash UST marketplace. All forms of electronic connectivity are supported, including: binary protocol, FIX protocol and high-speed internet access with secured VPN.


- the clob competes with well-entrenched incumbents in a marketplace designed for low-latency hedgers and arbitrageurs.
- Immediate Or Cancel (IOC) As much of the order’s size as possible is executed immediately. The remaining size, if any, is canceled.
- fill or kill (fok) The entire size is either filled immediately or killed immediately.
- Limit As much of the order’s size as possible is executed immediately. The remaining size, if any, stays in the CLOB until it is executed or canceled.